Evaluating flaxseed to treat hot flashes
Hot flashes are a common symptom during the menopause transition or following breast cancer treatment. During the American Society of...
Effect of flaxseed on lipids
Researchers from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, in Shanghai reviewed the evidence.
Flaxseed product fails to lower cholesterol in women
Researchers at Iowa State University’s Nutrition and Wellness Research Center in Ames determined whether the main compound in a flaxseed...
Effects of flaxseed on the metabolic syndrome and exercise
The effects of taking flaxseed lignan complex during exercise in older adults were studied by researchers at the University of...
Bone FractureCancerCholesterol/LipidsDiabetes MellitusDiarrhea/ConstipationFlavonoids (Soy)FlaxseedHeart DiseaseHigh Blood PressureMenopausePainPMS/DysmenorrheaPregnancy
Flaxseed review
Medscape has published 2 case histories. One patient wants to take flaxseed to improve cholesterol levels and diabetes control. The...
Safety of flaxseed oil during pregnancy
 Researchers from the Université de Montréal report, “that the risks of a premature birth quadruple if flaxseed oil is consumed...
Coenzyme Q10CranberryEchinaceaFiberFlavonoids (Soy)FlaxseedGarlicGinkgoGinsengGlucosamine/ ChondroitinHerbalsMelatoninMilk ThistleOmega-3 Fatty AcidsSaw PalmettoTea
Most commonly used natural products
Here’s a follow-up to an earlier post on the use of CAM in the US in 2007 as surveyed by...
Lowering cholesterol with flaxseed in postmenopausal women
Researchers from Oklahoma State University in Stillwater report a positive response in a sea of inconsistency.
CAM use in the US
The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) reports that approximately 38% of adults and 12% of children use...
CAM and diabetes: A round up of studies from 2008
November is diabetes month at the CAM Report. Here’s what we covered so far this year.
Comparing 3 forms of flaxseed
Researchers from St Boniface Hospital Research Centre in Winnipeg, Manitoba compared whole seed, milled seed, and flaxseed oil.
The latest on flaxseed oil in diabetes
MayoClinic.com says, “Studies of the effect of flaxseed on blood sugar levels report mixed results. Flaxseed cannot be recommended as...
Fatty acids and behavior in adolescents with ADHD
This study shows that there are metabolic differences in the way that adolescents with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) handle dietary...
CancerCholesterol/LipidsDiarrhea/ConstipationFlaxseedHeart DiseaseHigh Blood PressureHIV/AIDSMenopauseRheumatoid Diseases
Flaxseed for menopausal symptoms and more
One study reports on flax and flaxseed oil in menopausal women, the second conducts a general review of the literature....
Linolenic acid lowers the risk of peripheral neuropathy in diabetics
Alpha-linolenic acid is an omega-3 fatty acid found in many vegetable oils, including flaxseed, walnuts, and canola oil. Researchers from...
Reviewing the benefits and dosing recommendations for omega-3
Two omega-3 fatty acids, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) have a number of positive actions against atherosclerosis (hardening...
Effect of dietary omega-3 fatty acid on blood pressure: The INTERMAP study.
The INTERMAP study (INTERnational collaborative of MAcronutrients and blood Pressure) examines correlations between nutrients and worldwide patterns of blood pressure....
Recommendations for taking omega-3 fatty acids
Omega-3 fatty acids benefit the heart of healthy people, and those who are at high risk of heart disease or...