Playing a bassoon protects against sleep apnea
Musicians who play this high-resistance woodwind instrument appear less likely to develop obstructive sleep apnea, according to this study reported...
Using education + music to treat sleep apnea
Researchers from the University of Kansas, School of Nursing and Preventive Medicine, in Kansas City tell us, “As many as...
Benefits of a very low energy diet in sleep apnea
Apnea is a period of time during which breathing stops or is markedly reduced. The most common form is obstructive...
Alcoholism/Drug AbuseAlzheimer's DementiaAnxiety (Panic)/DepressionAsthma/AllergyBlack/Blue CohoshBleeding DisordersChamomileCochrane LibraryCommon ColdDHEADiet-NutritionEchinaceaEvening PrimroseFatigueGarlicGingerGinkgoGinsengGoutHeart DiseaseHerbalsHuntington'sMenopauseProstateRheumatoid DiseasesSaw PalmettoSleep (Insomnia)Sleep ApneaSt. John's WortStressSunscreenValerian
Key points about commonly used herbals
Dr. Darrell Hulisz from Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine in Cleveland, Ohio has written a continuing education article...
Didgeridoo playing to treat obstructive sleep apnea
For the treatment of sleep apnea, continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) is the most effective and widely used therapy. Now,...
Acupuncture/ pressureChiropracticCognitive-Behavioral TherapyDiet-VeganExerciseHerbalsHomeopathyInjection (Prolotherapy)MassageMcKenzie MethodNausea/VomitingSleep ApneaTENS/FNS/VNS
Dolly Parton has back pain
It’s so bad that she canceled her concert tour. Here’s the state-of-the-art (not including pharmacology and surgery) for treating lower...
Acupuncture/ pressureAsthma/AllergyBed WettingCancerCerebral PalsyChildrenDiarrhea/ConstipationElderlyEnuresis (bed wetting)Epilepsy/SeizuresGlaucomaJet LagNausea/VomitingOsteoarthritisRetinopathySleep Apnea
Acupuncture for children
Researchers from Los Angeles reviewed the literature and found acupuncture holds promise but,… surprise … more research is needed. Here’s...
Cognitive-Behavioral TherapyErectile DysfunctionHeadache/MigraineHeart DiseaseHigh Blood PressureObesitySleep Apnea
Cognitive behavioral therapy used to improve treatment of sleep apnea
Sleep apnea occurs when people fail to breath while sleeping. Untreated, it can cause high blood pressure and other cardiovascular...